Wesley Mission Queensland Enterprise Agreement: Understanding the Key Points

Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) is a non-profit organization that provides a range of services to the community, including disability support, aged care, mental health support, and child and family services. As a major employer in the state, WMQ is governed by an enterprise agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its staff members.

The WMQ enterprise agreement is a legally binding document that sets out the minimum standards of pay and entitlements for employees. It also outlines the processes for resolving disputes and grievances between staff members and management.

Key Points of the WMQ Enterprise Agreement

1. Pay and Entitlements

The enterprise agreement sets out the minimum rates of pay for each job classification within WMQ. These rates take into account the skills and experience required for each role. The agreement also includes provisions for overtime rates, penalty rates, and allowances.

WMQ employees are entitled to a range of other benefits, including superannuation contributions, annual leave, sick leave, and long service leave. The agreement also outlines the process for requesting flexible working arrangements.

2. Working Hours and Conditions

The WMQ enterprise agreement sets out the standard working hours for each role. Employees are entitled to breaks during their shifts, as well as annual leave and public holidays. The agreement also includes provisions for shift work and rostering.

WMQ employees are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of both management and employees in maintaining a safe work environment.

3. Grievance Procedures and Dispute Resolution

The WMQ enterprise agreement includes a process for resolving disputes and grievances between employees and management. This process involves informal discussions, mediation, and arbitration.

Employees are encouraged to raise any concerns they have with their manager or a representative from the WMQ Human Resources team. If the issue cannot be resolved, the dispute resolution process will be initiated.

4. Performance Management

The WMQ enterprise agreement includes provisions for performance management. Staff members are required to meet certain performance standards, and their performance is regularly reviewed. The agreement outlines the process for providing feedback and support to employees who may be struggling to meet these standards.


The WMQ enterprise agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the rights and entitlements of employees working for Wesley Mission Queensland. It ensures that staff members are treated fairly and equitably, and that their working conditions are safe and healthy.

If you are a WMQ employee, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the key provisions of the enterprise agreement. If you have any concerns or questions, you should speak to your manager or a representative from the WMQ Human Resources team.


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