Double Tax Agreement Between South Africa and Mauritius: What You Need to Know

South Africa and Mauritius have a long-standing economic relationship. As two of the most developed economies in Africa, they have been working together to promote trade and investment between them for years. One key aspect of this partnership is the Double Tax Agreement (DTA) between the two countries. This agreement is important for businesses and individuals who have investments or income in both countries. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the DTA between South Africa and Mauritius and what it means for taxpayers.

What is a Double Tax Agreement?

A Double Tax Agreement is a treaty between two countries that aims to prevent double taxation of income or profits earned in both countries. This means that if you are a resident of one country and have income or profits from the other country, you won’t have to pay taxes on that income or profits in both countries. The DTA outlines which country has the right to tax the income or profits and at what rate.

The Double Tax Agreement between South Africa and Mauritius

The Double Tax Agreement between South Africa and Mauritius was signed in 1996 and came into effect in 1997. The aim of the agreement is to promote investment between the two countries by eliminating double taxation of income and profits. The agreement covers taxes on income, profits, and gains from immovable property, shipping and air transport, dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.

One of the key provisions of the South Africa-Mauritius DTA is the reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties. For example, the withholding tax rate on dividends has been reduced to 5% for qualifying shareholders, which is significantly lower than the standard rate of 20%. This makes it more attractive for South African and Mauritian companies to conduct business with each other.

Another important aspect of the DTA is the definition of permanent establishment (PE). This is critical for companies that have operations in both countries. The DTA clarifies the criteria for determining whether a company has a PE in either country, which helps to avoid disputes and double taxation.

The DTA also includes provisions for the exchange of information between the tax authorities of South Africa and Mauritius. This helps to prevent tax evasion and ensures that taxpayers are complying with the tax laws of both countries.

What does the Double Tax Agreement mean for taxpayers?

For taxpayers who have investments or income in both South Africa and Mauritius, the Double Tax Agreement provides clarity and certainty on how their income or profits will be taxed. They won’t have to worry about paying taxes on the same income or profits in both countries, which can save them a significant amount of money.

The reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties also make it more attractive for taxpayers to invest and do business in both countries. It encourages cross-border investment and helps to promote economic growth and development.


The Double Tax Agreement between South Africa and Mauritius is an important treaty that promotes investment and economic development between the two countries. It eliminates double taxation of income and profits and provides clarity and certainty for taxpayers who have investments or income in both countries. The reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties make it more attractive for businesses to conduct cross-border transactions. Overall, the DTA is an essential tool for promoting trade and investment between South Africa and Mauritius.


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